Challenge Communities

Challenge Communities are the small group ministry of Christian Challenge.

Student led small groups that are passionately RELATIONAL, BIBLICAL, and MISSIONAL. 

Challenge Communities meet weekly in student’s homes, on campus, in dorms, in coffee shops, and other locations.

Challenge Communities are RELATIONAL. They are committed to loving God, loving one another, and loving their neighbors.

Challenge Communities are BIBLICAL. They are committed to knowing, understanding, and applying God’s Word.

Challenge Communities are MISSIONAL. They are committed to identifying and meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of an identifiable affinity group.




Regan & Jesi 6:00pM


Jessica & Emma 6:00pM

Madi & Sammy 6:00pM

Ethan & Collyn 6:00pm


Jadon & Jesse 6:00pm